Why STEAM? Why Space?
STEAMSPACE Education Outreach® supports the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into K-12 education, with an eye towards building the next generations of researchers, workers and entrepreneurs we’ll need as we move into worlds beyond our own. In supporting this integration of Space Education with progressive education practices, including Project Based Learning and Social Emotional Learning, it is our hope that we will not only help to create wonderful academic environments, but also enable the leaders of our future in ALL WAYS for the exploration and colonization of space. We believe it will be these visionary leaders that will help expand humanity into all corners of our known universe. Starting now.
In our classrooms right now sit our future pioneers and leaders of new communities on distant worlds. STEAMSPACE is currently creating a K–12 Grade curriculum to promote education in preparation for off world settlement. By offering such a curriculum to educators and students and connecting classes to businesses in the commercial space community, students can study real world scenarios for off world problems. Businesses have agreed to mentor students and provide video and data, scenarios and challenges they have resolved or are currently investigating. Students have first-hand communication and experience with successful businesses and academics in the realm of space.

Global Outreach Initiatives
- International Curriculum
- Business/Academia -> School Collaboration
- Student Conferences and Competitions (Cities in Space)
- International Data Platform
- Social Emotional Learning Strategies (SEL), Project Based Learning (PBL), and Progressive Education Techniques.
From the desk of one of our SEL Advisors:
“As we move towards space development and colonization, a commitment to Social and Emotional Learning will be vital to its success and the ability for communities to thrive. The leaders who will take us into this next frontier will face questions, scenarios and dilemmas never before experienced. In order to produce viable, reasonable, and ethically sound ideas to food production, legal rights and ownership, sustainability, and medical care, leaders not only need the academic skills to address these and more but they need SEL as well. Social and Emotional Learning spans much farther than the school playground, circle time or the graduate stage. SEL is a lifetime endeavor that changes and transforms as life transitions. Rooted in 5 key skill sets; Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision Making and Relationship Skills, an SEL understanding, and intentional work is imperative for the future growth and evolution of our world. Subskills of SEL, such as empathy, integrity, resilience, gratitude, intentionality, interpersonal effectiveness, collaboration and conflict management form the bonds of authentic connection between individuals, and groups allowing for powerful innovation, creativity and leadership.As research has demonstrated, the number one indicator in leadership achievement was not attributed to academics by Universities or Colleges rather, how high the individual scored in the area of empathy with a genuine understanding of self, others and society. These attributes, along with relationship skills, management and responsible decision-making are the keys of triumph in whether you are developing an individual, a classroom, corporation, government, or space colony.”

It’s not just astronauts and engineers. Everyone is needed.
STEAMSPACE reaches far beyond astronauts, engineers and scientists. Traditional education has favored compartmentalization and separation of skills and academics. In our Progressive Education world, we integrate. If humans are to truly be successful colonizing a permanent settlement which will thrive and grow, everyone is invited. All types of occupations will be needed. As in the formation of any community, a wide range of skills and specialties are required. From the scientists to the farmers, bankers, historians, architects, artists and musicians – all are necessary, all are critical.
What better way to have collaboration across the globe and demonstrate the combined value of all? A student interested in architecture, interacting with another, in a different part of the world, about art. A student discussing the necessity of music in an off-world settlement with a fellow STEAMSPACE student interested in sociology. An engineer pursuing habitat design sharing with a student focused on UX/UI, discovering the importance of human aesthetic, while presenting the constraints of physical design. A student interested in the creation a new historical record, learning from and teaching a data scientist in discussion of format, storage and examination of recorded information. The interaction and synthesis of perspectives, knowledge areas, reasons and ideas across multiple domains is crucial for creating an integrated and vibrant future.
Here at STEAMSPACE, we are about creating a GLOBAL COMMUNITY where ideas can be discussed and students can imagine what could be done differently “up there” to improve humanity down here.

STEAMSPACE encourages students to find their passions and explore it!
As long as you dream of a career, it will be found in space! Whether it’s becoming an astronaut, studying agriculture, being an artist, or any other role among the great innovators in our future, space has a place for you! Here are some of our topics for STEAMSPACE:
Living on Mars, the Moon, Free Space or other Extra-terrestrial Bodies: The opportunity for YOU will be here faster than you think! In these new environments the needs and opportunities are countless. Can you be a part of it no matter what your passions? Yes! Of course, even.
Space Entrepreneurship: New Space companies are creating a new dimension in world of business and the move into space is happening. Get involved!
WE are Astronauts: No longer a distant image on your television or laptop. The first rounds of private citizens have now visited space. That can be you!
From Medicine to Life Extension: There is great opportunity and exploration in the world of Science when it comes to space medicine and how we know our bodies. That’s open to you!
Artists in Space: Yes, artists, there are many places for you in space! Whether it is working on design concepts or aesthetics for colonies, landscaping, capturing the minds and imaginations of to light the paths for where we can go, it is YOU who can help bring these images to life and fulfillment!
Inventors Needed: 3D printing a wrench for the ISS. Creating attachments for a robotic arm to gather food on Mars. You dream it. You create it. There will be countless opportunities for inventors and designers in the worlds to come!
Space Policy: Interested in politics? Policies and positions and new forms of government will be needed for our global community here on Earth and for our extra-terrestrial communities as we move forward into space.
Space Farms: As colonies are established in Free Space, our Moon, Mars, beyond and between, these settlements must grow to be self-sufficient, providing their citizens with food and resources. The ancient art of agriculture will be a necessity for survival!
Green Space: Settlements, self-sustaining with a low energy footprint, are going to be essential. Solar, thermal, chemical, inertial and other power sources will need development, investigation and implementation. By investing our minds and efforts towards clean, safe environments out there, we will continue to improve our environment down here!