Janet Ivey is the founder and CEO of Janet’s Planet, Inc. and is committed to enriching the lives of children through educational content driven multi-media education and programming. With over 23 years in the media, Ivey has captivated Nashville and beyond with her work and has received 12 Regional Emmys, 5 Gracie Allen awards and a STEMFLORIDA award for her children’s series Janet’s Planet. This dynamic and fast-paced series is geared to 6 – 11 year olds and focuses on science, space, history and health. Viewers get to travel at the speed of thought and the short form series can be seen on public television stations nationwide as well as YouTube, YouTube Kids, BatteryPop, Club Jelly Telly, and HighBrow.
Janet is a Buzz Aldrin ShareScience Ambassador, a member of the National Space Society, on the Board of Governors for the National Space Society, and in 2015 did educational outreach for NASA’s New Horizons mission with the #DearPluto Project.
What Janet finds to be true is that ENGAGEMENT requires relationship. When you have an experience with something, then you begin to create relationship out of that experience, and once there’s relationship, then there can be engagement, interest, passion and action; but first and foremost, we must work hard to provide and encourage experiences with science in order to inspire future generations to use their innate intelligence and creativity to make scientific, artistic and technological advances needed for this planet and the exploration of other worlds.

Janet Ivey
Janet’s Planet, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Janet’s Planet
Twitter: JanetsPlanet
YouTube: JanetsPlanetOfficial
Instagram: JanetsPlanetOfficial