Cities in Space® on Mars

STEAMSPACE Education Outreach™
Explore Mars

Cities in Space® Leadership Workshop
The Humans to Mars Summit 2020

Fall, 2020

National Academy of Sciences Building

Washington, DC

Presented in partnership with Explore Mars, Inc., the Cities in Space Leadership Workshop will be a fun filled day full of exploration, hands on activity, industry engagement, and participation in the Humans to Mars Summit 2020, at the National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, DC.

Students will start the day listening to speakers from the space industry, Explore Mars CEO Chris Carberry and President Janet Ivey, and STEAMSPACE CEO Holly Melear. Hands-on activities and ice-breakers for students will be interspersed throughout the day with designated speakers who are attending Humans to Mars 2020. Student groups will work together to explore what will be needed for a thriving off-world community on Mars.

About Humans to Mars

The Humans To Mars Summit (H2M) Is The Largest Annual Conference In The World Focused On The Achievable And Sustainable Human Exploration Of Mars.

H2M Features Experts And Luminaries From Relevant And Diverse Fields, Including Senior NASA, Industry, And Policy Figures, As Well As Representatives From The Entertainment, Technology, And Innovation Industries, STEM Education Professionals, And Members Of The General Public.

Through Consensus Building In The Space Community And Inspiring The General Public, The Goal Of H2M Is To Advance The Prospects For The Human Exploration Of Mars In The Early To Mid-2030s.

About STEAMSPACE Education Outreach

The STEAMSPACE team are dedicated to opening the space frontier, in our lifetimes, to everyone. Beyond the boundaries of race, gender, ideological and socioeconomic difference, STEAMSPACE Education Outreach™ believes in opening this new path to any and all who would like to go. In order to be prepared for the world of Free Space and colonization, the human race must consider what to do once the traveling is over and we have arrived.

Cities in Space® Student Competition and Conference, November 9th, 2018 Austin, Texas

Space colonization will require a broad array of skills and resources and, eventually, humans will be born in these colonies and the human race will thrive and multiply in new environments alive with broader cultures, science, and ideologies than seen here on Earth.

Cities in Space® offers students access to those who currently work in the space industry and space-oriented academia. At Cities in Space®, students have had the opportunity to listen to speakers and interact with scientists, engineers, NASA experts, New Space leaders, and astronauts.

In support of STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Education and Project Based Learning, Cities in Space® is aimed at creating a structure that can enable the human race to survive and thrive into a new civilization in space.

To offer a diverse and explorative education in the world of space and space colonization to all young minds, surpassing the boundaries of race, economics, gender and identity, ideology, disability and learning differences. We do this to support the creation and development of prosperous and free human communities and economies beyond the Earth.

STEAMSPACE Mission Statement

Additional Information

Supervising teachers are expected to attend the conference with their team, and are responsible for the behavior and participation of their team.

Students are required to have their signed Media Waiver and Honor Code upon entrance to the conference or prior via email.

Lunch and snacks will be provided by Explore Mars to students and teachers attending CiS Leadership Workshop.

Special thanks to The Musk Foundation for their sponsorship.

For more opportunities with STEAMSPACE and Cities in Space:

Check out Cities in Space® 2020


Holly Melear
Holly Melear
Founder & CEO
STEAMSPACE Education Outreach™
Chris Carberry
Chief Executive Officer
Explore Mars, Inc